Da Green Monstah goes back to da dyno

Green Monstah on the dyno

Green Monstah on the dyno


Well, we were headed to the dyno with Brendan to do some logging to see if my butt dyno was gonna agree wit da Superflow about moh powah foh Da Monstah. I met Brendan at Carz in Lakewood, CO this morning bright and early. Temps were in the high 60s on a gorgeous Colorado Autumn day. The only changes on the car were a set of fresh seals on the Comp Turbo, a new Turbosmart wastegate with a 14lb spring, and 1500 miles of break-in on Da Monstah. To refresh your memory, the car pulled 674hp/591tq with the Tial WG and a 1 bar spring. With a couple of shots to the NOS serpentine spray bar to purge the nitrous  we were off with a high boost run. This time the car pulled 35lbs of boost. The results were stunning to say the least:

755hp/710tq at the wheels!!!

I should also mention that the silver line running to the engine is to measure back pressure to the turbo. When the tubular exhaust manifold was built, we attached a threaded bung on every runner to be able to measure things like back pressure and EGT for each cylinder. The motor was only showing 5 lbs of pressure which is excellent for this boost level.

Unfortunately the sensor the dyno guys were using stopped reading the rpm midway through the run because the motor had torqued itself over from the strain of the pull and moved too far away from the sensor. We had to get my car off the dyno so they could do some more VEMS tuning on BABS’ car so we pulled my car off to get some real work done.

The next phase that I was planning for the car involved sending the turbo to the Comp Turbo guys for them to machine out the compressor housing a little to accept a billet compressor wheel and having them rebalance the turbo. Given the 750hp+ that the car puts down, I can safely say that I see no reason to go any further. I’ll also be running the car on the low boost program which still gives me 28lbs. Plenty nough for the street, I say.

Hap, wit dakine Monstah numbahs not from Evahboost, Maguire

Welcome to the new 2013 edition of S-CARS.ORG

Welcome to the new 2013 edition of S-CARS.ORG

Misano Red RS5


Click here to register your user ID on our site.

We admit it. We’re old. Well, in “web years” I guess we’re pretty darn old. This site was born back on May 8th, 1998 and if you’re a long time member you know it has gone through several redesigns over the years. How things have changed!

We’ve been running the old PostNuke based site for what seems like forever and it is well past time to move on for a number of reasons.  We’re now running a far more user friendly back-end and looking to do more with the web site in 2013.  We’re also looking for writers, bloggers or anyone who would enjoy taking an active role in building the S-Cars community.


“S” is for social? No, not entirely but you will notice that you can now make friend connections with follow owners and can even post activity updates about what you’re up to with you car(s). I encourage you to jump right in and give it a whirl. Dive into the forums as well and start some discussions. We REALLY need help from you, the enthusiasts, to make this site all that it can be.

In closing, we’d like to extend a special thanks to the S and RS car owners and enthusiasts who make this site what it is.  We’ve been known for our more mature and level headed users over the years and we hope to see that trend continue.  Thanks and enjoy!

Darin Nederhoff

Founder, S-CARS.ORG

P.S. – It has come to our attention that Internet Explorer users may encounter some site compatibility issues when trying to view the web site. Prior to sending out our update e-mail the site was tested with Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari via iPhone and it seemed to be about the same in each. Since then however it appears that we’ve got an issue which is causing the registration and login box along with site menu and polls to vanish from the right side of the screen.

We’re looking for the cause of this issue but in the meantime if you’ve got another web browser at your disposal we’d suggest using it to view the site. You’ll be missing out if you don’t.
Finally, since the registration link is missing for IE users, you can do so directly via this URL: https://s-cars.org/register

Want To Join The Editorial Team?

S-CARS.ORG was built as a community based content management system with an easy to use back-end interface.

Are you an S-CAR owner and enthusiast that would like to help create new content, FAQs, etc. or simply help manage what is already here o­n the site? If so I would encourage you to contact me and introduce yourself. If you are selected, you will be given site editor status which will enable to you actively contribute and edit the content o­n this site. Feel creative? Here is your outlet!

I’d love to pump some new life into the S-CARS site for 2010 but I cannot do it alone. It would be wonderful to find some model specific expert enthusiasts looking to use their talents to make the site better. You can be a contributing editor or head up an entire division (I.E. S8 Division Editor) All division editors will be given an S-CARS.ORG email alias (if desired) as well as some other organizational bonuses.

The rules:

Site editors will have pretty much free creative control of their content but they will be expected to adhere to a few simple rules.

1. English language
2. Professional and polite. The site is PG-13 rated.
3. Respect intellectual copyrights. Get permission before reposting info from elsewhere o­nline and give credit.
4. Have fun… it isn’t a job, it is an outlet for you to express your creatively and meet a lot of interesting fellow S and RS car owners from around the world.
5. Be active. Don’t sign up so you can get press passes for your local auto show… do something. You don’t have to post every day or even every week, but everyone will benefit if you make an effort.

If that sounds interesting please send me a private message within the forums or email me at ( editor AT s-cars . org )

ANY registered user of S-CARS.ORG is able to contribute their own stories, FAQ, content, etc. to this site so even if you don’t want to take o­n an editorial role you can still be a part of shaping what is seen o­n the site.

10 Years of S-Ness… and Counting!

It is hard to believe, but ten years ago o­n May 8th, 1998 this web site was first launched. In’S’anity? Perhaps, but the site lives o­n a decade later.

Speaking of insanity, I’ve been working hard o­n an all new S-CARS.ORG web site as a way to celebrate our first ten years and to launch the next ten. I have a few issues to sort out with the new site and then I will be able to start moving all of the content from the current site over to the new o­ne. A daunting task for sure, but it must be done. My dream of being able to launch the all new site o­n the tenth anniversary date turned out to be just that… a dream. Have no fear though, work goes o­n and I’ll unveil the new site as soon as I am able.

Thank you to all of you who have contributed FAQ content, donations, photos, and even emails over the last ten years. Audi S and RS series enthusiasts are an awfully friendly bunch of people but I’m sure that you, the reader, already know that!

Darin Nederhoff
Founder & Editor