If you’re new to the web site chances are that you’re wondering what all can be done here. That would be a valid question considering we’ve taken a big leap from our old web site. We’ll try to give you a brief overview below of what members can do.
First of all, membership is free and we only use your email address for S-CARS.ORG related purposes. That means no 3rd party spamming or silly mailing lists. We’re an enthusiast organization not a marketing group, so have no fear.
Your Profile:
1. You may share your name and location along with vehicle data with other users.
2. You can upload up to 40 photos to your profile album to be shared publicly or privately with only registered users.
3. You can create friend connections to other S-CARS users which will enable you to keep track of their forum posts and other activity updates.
4. You can post your own activity updates for your friends to see (similar to a status update on Facebook but S-CAR related)
Our Classifieds:
1. Members can post free classified ads within our new ad system.
Our Forums:
1. Join Groups and discussion Forums catering to specific Audi S or RS models. We also have some regional interest groups to get you connected to other nearby owners.
2. Share photos or other select files with other members within the forums.
Our Web Links:
1. Suggest web sites for our link directory.
Our Image Galleries:
1. Upload your photo or photos for inclusion in select image galleries on the site.
2. Vote on your favorite images
Create and Manage Content!
1. Want to take an active role and be a writer on the site? All you have to do is drop the site editor a line and submit a sample of your writing or an idea of what you’d like to do here. If we like your style you could score an editorial gig here and bring joy to the entire S-CARS universe… or something like that. 😉
2. Moderate a forum: We’ll likely need a few level headed minds to help us keep an even keel within the forums as time goes on.