Join us Saturday, August 27, 2011 for //SFX… a Decade of //SFest… Hosted by, and located at 2152 Boston Turnpike, Coventry, CT 06238.
A decade has passed since I spawned //SFest in my humble backyard in Tolland, CT. While it has grown and evolved, one constant that has remained SOLID is:
You all are the only reason there is //SFest, without you this would have died a quiet death yearses ago (I tried, really I did).
It is also unpossable w/o a solid team of //Staffers, which we have fortunately retained and attracted over the years. Me, I’m just the idjut ringleader… them… they make it happen.
You know who they are – reach out and give them a hug (ain’t kiddin, do it… w/o them I’d have packed my tent and gone home after //SFest2003 outgrew my feeble yard):
Jeff The Instigator Postupack, Domo Arigato Bobbo Rossatobin Rossato, Jim Really Is Pasqualooney, Schteever Young, The Don Warren, Julian The Grille Barerra, //Scott Sierakowski, Mikee Changes Cars More Than Underwear Lardizabal, Ed da Fridge DiGregory, Rob Whattapal Eagleye, and Neil Schtroker Poillon.
We’re endeavoring yet again to conduct yet another epic endeavor, which somehow we always seem to best. While nothing particularly ‘special’ (besides me, I’m told I’m ‘speccccciaaaal’) is planned for our Decade of Decadence, you can be assured //SFest’11 will be Just Not Right as alwayz.
That much, is guaranteed. //Shenanigans, fersure. I’ve already got a few Not Particularly Right ‘things’ lined up (neither of which are even German, go figure? Well, one ‘sorta’ is… sorta. Sched’d to land w/in the month I’m told muwahahahahaa). The camaraderie and bonds that have formed via the years of creating this community are immeasurable and highly treasured.
There are many who have //Fested @ all 9 to-date, many newcomers, and many who plan to pop their //Fest cherry this year. You’re one of us regardless, you’re in good hands amongst the maniacism that is //SFest.
Please visit // to pre-register, purchase event //Schwag, discounted raffle tickets, etc. Note, ***pre-registration (discounted admission) ends Fri 8/19***. Stay tooned for further debauchery details as they emerge.
See you all 8/27 – always the weekend prior to Labia Day Weekend – plan accordingly. Be there. We will.
//SFest cometh…
-Paul and the //SFest Staff
Come check us out!
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