This conversion is intended as an alternative to the original equipment (OE) ignition system that uses two 3-channel power output stages (POSs) and five individual coils each with a replaceable spark plug connector. The 1.8 t coil pack conversion described herein works but there are no guarantees about improved performance or freedom from failures. The 1.8t coil packs have built-in POS units as well as coils and plug connectors. At the time of writing this, these 06B 905 115L coil packs were about $30 each. In comparison, the OE POSs were about $150 each (and you need two) and the OE coils were about
$115 each (and you need five). So even if the odd 115L coil pack fails every once and awhile, they are far less expensive than the original ignition system.