Join The S and RS Car Owner Registry!

If you have been an S-CARS.ORG follower for many years there is a good chance you remember our early S-Car Registry. In fact, the origins of this site date way back to 1995 with the creation of an online Audi owner registry site that was called Autobahnia. You’re *really* from the old school if you can remember that far back.

At any rate, our site (and the registry) have gone through a number of evolutions over the years and we’re pleased to announce that we’ve relaunched the Audi S and RS Owner’s Registry here at S-CARS.ORG. The registry is open to all owners of Audi’s S and RS series cars as well as the 20 valve 200, Sport Quattro and R8 series cars. At the present time, “S-Line” edition cars are not included although we may add them in the future.

UrS4 and UrS6 owners: We really need you! We’re trying to get as many of these vehicles registered as possible in order to get an indication of how many of them remain in service. Please register your car and share the link with as many other UrS owners as you can. We even encourage you to register vehicles that have been totaled or taken out of service for one reason or another. Think of this as a global UrS census of sorts! Please, help spread the word and build the registry!

Ready to do it? >>> REGISTER HERE <<<

Introducing The S-Car Preservation Society

Introducing The S-Car Preservation Society

If you are still driving an Audi UrS4 or UrS6 on a daily basis you likely know that they are generally pretty reliable.  The problem is that when something does go wrong or you need to find a part it is becoming more and more difficult to locate them.  Many cars wind up being parted out and their engines are transplanted into Coupe quattros or other Audis.

Well, a small group of original S car owners in the Minneapolis, MN area has come together to help change that and we invite you to join us.


Preserve and maintain S-Cars über alles

Despite the snooty sounding name the group exists for those of you who own one or more of Audi’s vintage legendary 20 valve five cylinder automobiles. UrS4, UrS6, S2, 200 quattro 20 valve, Sport Quattro and RS2 owners are all welcome.

This isn’t a group about modding for the most power although modified cars aren’t shunned here. The group is about dealing with the challenges of driving and maintaining some of Audi’s rarer models which seem to get rarer by the day. If you are determined to keep your classic 20 valver on the road and perhaps restore it to full glory this is the place for you.

If you believe strongly in the cause and think you might be able to contribute to the cause through posts on this page please drop us a line. Dedicated and passionate moderators would be welcome here and on our “parent” page of S-CARS.ORG. Thanks for joining and drive safely!

Decades of Duty… Tales of UrS4/UrS6 Daily Drivers

Decades of Duty… Tales of UrS4/UrS6 Daily Drivers

IMG_0175 It is hard to believe that my UrS4 is now 20 years old. It certainly doesn’t look it, especially after a good spring detail. It also doesn’t look like it has covered more than 180,000 miles. In fact, it still does quite well in the regional car shows. This isn’t even some California cream puff. My car started life here in America in Michigan before coming into my care in Iowa (and now Minnesota.) All of these states have harsh winters and lots of road salt! My car survives!

I know several other friends here in the Twin Cities area that are still driving their C4 S4 or S6 as a daily driver as well. They somehow remain reliable enough for daily driving even after all these years. Amazing!

With that in mind, I decided that it would be fun to feature some of you who are still living with a UrS4 or UrS6 on a daily basis. I invite you to send me your ownership stories and photos to be featured here on S-CARS.ORG. Hopefully we’ll hear from people all over the world and publish some of their ups and downs of ownership.

Want to share your story? Simply email it to me at


and include any photos of you or your car that you’d like to have included.

Thanks To Our Affiliates…

Thanks To Our Affiliates…

Please pardon our brief diversion from business as usual in order to do a little shameless promotion.  Well, we’d actually like to take a moment to express our appreciation for a couple of our affiliates.  These are obviously services that we use and have been happy with and therefore feel confident enough to share them with you.

First, we give big kudos to our web hosting company, BlueHost.  Having managed numerous sites since 1995, we’ve dealt with many (MANY) different hosting companies over the years.  In terms of shared hosting, BlueHost is definitely one of the best we’ve dealt with. We’re not having constant email issues, hacking incident issues or some of the other pains we’ve commonly dealt with on other hosts.  As an added bonus, they are truly affordable as well. If you sign up for a hosting account via the banner link below you’ll also be helping the S-CARS.ORG site as we are part of the BlueHost affiliate program.

The next quick thank you and endorsement is for something I use on a personal level for backing up data on my home computers. While I do burn important documents to DVD and BluRay, it is also nice to have an all-in-one secure cloud based backup that I can access from anywhere. For this, I’m a happy Backblaze user. Simply sign up for an account for only $50 per year and download the Backblaze client. It works in the background uploading the contents of your hard drives with NO space or bandwidth restrictions. Pretty amazing given the low cost of the service. And yes, just as with the link above, every new sign up helps us a little via the affiliate program.
Backblaze MAC and PC cloud backups for only $50 USD per year

Finally there is Amazon. I’ve been a customer for years and a Prime member for just over a year and can honestly say I’ve not once had a bad experience with Amazon or their customer service. For this reason I have maintained an affiliate relationship for them for many years. Do some of your shopping using the link below and you’ll help us a little thanks to some affiliate revenue.

There you have it. I do hope you find the affiliates above to be up to your standards as well. I’m always a user before I become an affiliate of anything so I won’t plug something just for the sake of revenue. Your use of these services will benefit the PBVM which in turn helps pay our hosting costs as well as the cost of catalog acquisitions etc. Thank you very much for your support!

//SFestX: Festivus Maxiums…

a Decade of der //Fest… 8/27 cometh!

Join us Saturday, August 27, 2011 for //SFX… a Decade of //SFest… Hosted by, and located at 2152 Boston Turnpike, Coventry, CT 06238.

A decade has passed since I spawned //SFest in my humble backyard in Tolland, CT. While it has grown and evolved, one constant that has remained SOLID is:


You all are the only reason there is //SFest, without you this would have died a quiet death yearses ago (I tried, really I did).

It is also unpossable w/o a solid team of //Staffers, which we have fortunately retained and attracted over the years. Me, I’m just the idjut ringleader… them… they make it happen.

You know who they are – reach out and give them a hug (ain’t kiddin, do it… w/o them I’d have packed my tent and gone home after //SFest2003 outgrew my feeble yard):

Jeff The Instigator Postupack, Domo Arigato Bobbo Rossatobin Rossato, Jim Really Is Pasqualooney, Schteever Young, The Don Warren, Julian The Grille Barerra, //Scott Sierakowski, Mikee Changes Cars More Than Underwear Lardizabal, Ed da Fridge DiGregory, Rob Whattapal Eagleye, and Neil Schtroker Poillon.

We’re endeavoring yet again to conduct yet another epic endeavor, which somehow we always seem to best. While nothing particularly ‘special’ (besides me, I’m told I’m ‘speccccciaaaal’) is planned for our Decade of Decadence, you can be assured //SFest’11 will be Just Not Right as alwayz.

That much, is guaranteed. //Shenanigans, fersure. I’ve already got a few Not Particularly Right ‘things’ lined up (neither of which are even German, go figure? Well, one ‘sorta’ is… sorta. Sched’d to land w/in the month I’m told muwahahahahaa). The camaraderie and bonds that have formed via the years of creating this community are immeasurable and highly treasured.

There are many who have //Fested @ all 9 to-date, many newcomers, and many who plan to pop their //Fest cherry this year. You’re one of us regardless, you’re in good hands amongst the maniacism that is //SFest.

Please visit // to pre-register, purchase event //Schwag, discounted raffle tickets, etc. Note, ***pre-registration (discounted admission) ends Fri 8/19***. Stay tooned for further debauchery details as they emerge.

See you all 8/27 – always the weekend prior to Labia Day Weekend – plan accordingly. Be there. We will.

//SFest cometh…

-Paul and the //SFest Staff
Come check us out!