The S-CAR Registry Login Page



You will first want to create a general site profile and login >> here << in order to gain access to the S-CAR Registry pages.  Once that is complete, login to the site and you may add your entry.  Note:  The Registry segment of the web site also uses a separate user login system for security purposes.  You can set this to mimic your main site login or keep it separate.


Please note that our Registry system does NOT utilize the same login system as the rest of our web site.  In the past, when you registered your vehicle you would be sent a link that would allow you to manage your Registry entry (much like Craigslist).

We have now added a user name and password type login system to the S-CAR Registry in order to make management easier.

ALSO, due to spammer activity the main Registry pages have been locked to non-logged in users.  You’ll need a general site login to gain initial access to the Registry pages and then use your Registry login to manage your records.  We realize this is a bit of a pain (you could set both to have matching credentials) but it is more effective at keeping spambots and site scrapers away from the members of the Registry.

The S-CAR Registry Login is below.

Request your Private Link