• Just getting back to this forum. The ‘95.5 S6 Avant now has 121K mi. Just installed new Nokian Hakkapelitta R2 snows. What a miraculous tire. Phenomenal stopping ability on ice.

  • Tom Heitzman posted an update in the group Group logo of UrS4 / UrS6UrS4 / UrS6 13 years, 1 month ago

    I sold my Black ’95 S6 in Oct. w/65 K mi and just bought a Silver ‘95.5 S6Avant w/80K. I’m not sure I like these higher mileage cars, it needed a new ws washer reservoir cap! 🙂

    • Sometimes ownership involves biting the bullet and ponying up for those expensive parts Tom! 😉

  • Pls Excuse my absence! I put the car on the road in April after doing a lot of minor maitenance. Took it to Carlisle , actually almost to Carlisle! The ignition switch died and a group of QW’ers picked me up and drove me to Carlisle, stoppy by an Audi dealer for a new ignition switch. Two of them drove me an hour back East and change it by…[Read more]

  • Tom Heitzman posted an update in the group Group logo of UrS4 / UrS6UrS4 / UrS6 14 years, 2 months ago

    Bought ’95 S6 w/52K mi. in late Sept. drove it 1200 mi. in a couple of weeks and put it a friends barn when the Temp Tag ran out. Have to do a buch of minor service stuff before putting it on the road full time April 1.

  • Tom Heitzman posted an update in the group Group logo of UrS4 / UrS6UrS4 / UrS6 14 years, 5 months ago

    Just joined world of Audi the 1st of the year. Bought ’98 A4 Avant V6 5MT w/ 141K mi. Liked it so much I bought ’99 A6 Avant w/ ’39 K mi for my wife both Santorin Blue. I’d been looking for a lo mileage Urs4/6 and just bought ’95 S6 w/ 51 K mi. last Thurs. Haven’t even gotten it home yet! Plan to to use A4 as “Winter Rat” and drive S6 from April…[Read more]

    • Hi Tom, welcome!

      Wow, where did you find such a low mileage car? They are few and far between these days. Is it stock or modified?

  • Tom Heitzman became a registered member 14 years, 5 months ago