OIFJORDAN posted on the forum topic Highest odometer reading? in the group
UrS4 / UrS6: 13 years, 9 months ago
94 URS4 just turned 321xxx Miles today…all stock…yes…I am the highest so far…oh wait is that a good thing HAHA!
OIFJORDAN posted on the forum topic Highest odometer reading? in the group UrS4 / UrS6: 13 years, 9 months ago
94 URS4 just turned 321xxx Miles today…all stock…yes…I am the highest so far…oh wait is that a good thing HAHA!
Actually, I did know of a traveling sales guy that clocked 380k on his before moving to a newer car. Pretty impressive! Still, 321 is doing well! 🙂