• arizona_audi posted an update in the group Group logo of UrS4 / UrS6UrS4 / UrS6 14 years, 5 months ago

    1994 UrS4 was the best car I ever owned. Kept it for 14 years and should have kept it forever.

    • I’d have to agree. There are times when mine frustrates me but overall it has been (and is) still a fantastic car. Of course, you’ve moved on to an S5 which is next on my “most wanted” list!

      • Well, aside from the inherent differences between older and newer, I guess that’s true of most any, at times. The S5 appealed to me because there are so few quattros with manual transmission, and there are so many 4-bodies on the road.

        • I’ve always loved Coupes. Prior to the S4 I had a Coupe quattro 20V. Loved the looks of it and wanted to make an RS2 coupe out of it but that was back when used AAN engines were still pretty expensive to snap up and build so I sold it. I don’t miss the rather flexible chassis on the CQ or the stupid Hitachi injection stuff however.

          I think the S5 is simply gorgeous… and yes, make mine a manual as well.