Jimbo posted on the forum topic Radiator Drain Plug removal on 1995 UrS6 in the group
UrS4 / UrS6: 14 years, 4 months ago
Yes, those have been my thoughts exactly. However, I just wanted someone who actually has been there and done that to confirm that in order to remove the petcock completely that little blue tab must be removed with a small screwdriver. Did you ever confirm that your car also has that blue tab protruding out […]
Jimbo posted on the forum topic Radiator Drain Plug removal on 1995 UrS6 in the group
UrS4 / UrS6: 14 years, 4 months ago
Here’s the pics: The top pic is a brand new petcock I was hoping to put on the car. The bottom pic is the original petcock presently on car. Slight coolant leak can be seen at arrow by small plastic rectangular tab. I just assumed this tab was part of the new petcock so I […]
Jimbo posted on the forum topic Radiator Drain Plug removal on 1995 UrS6 in the group
UrS4 / UrS6: 14 years, 4 months ago
Ok, here is a picture of the radiator drain petcock on car with the plug fully tightened. As you can see I have a slow drip at the blue rectangular plastic tab (denoted by arrow). This plastic tab seems to protrude out a bit,maybe about 1/8″. Also attached is a new radiator drain plug that […]
Jimbo started the forum topic Radiator Drain Plug removal on 1995 UrS6 in the group
UrS4 / UrS6: 14 years, 5 months ago
I am draining my radiator using the round plastic blue drain plug on passenger side lower radiator and have a question. I unscrew the plug about 5 complete revolutions, coolant drains out the drain tube but the drain plug does not want to loosen anymore and be completely removed. I don’t want to force it […]
Jimbo posted on the forum topic Hot smell without any oil drips on the ground? in the group
UrS4 / UrS6: 14 years, 5 months ago
I also just replaced that 6″ long hose that connects to the hard line behind timing belt cover which feeds the turbo coolant. It is actually 10mm ID high temp hose but I got 7/16″ ID high temp transmission hose from local auto parts store and it works fine. As far as the burning oil […]
Jimbo joined the group
UrS4 / UrS6 14 years, 5 months ago
Jimbo became a registered member 14 years, 5 months ago