If you are still driving an Audi UrS4 or UrS6 on a daily basis you likely know that they are generally pretty reliable.  The problem is that when something does go wrong or you need to find a part it is becoming more and more difficult to locate them.  Many cars wind up being parted out and their engines are transplanted into Coupe quattros or other Audis.

Well, a small group of original S car owners in the Minneapolis, MN area has come together to help change that and we invite you to join us.


Preserve and maintain S-Cars über alles

Despite the snooty sounding name the group exists for those of you who own one or more of Audi’s vintage legendary 20 valve five cylinder automobiles. UrS4, UrS6, S2, 200 quattro 20 valve, Sport Quattro and RS2 owners are all welcome.

This isn’t a group about modding for the most power although modified cars aren’t shunned here. The group is about dealing with the challenges of driving and maintaining some of Audi’s rarer models which seem to get rarer by the day. If you are determined to keep your classic 20 valver on the road and perhaps restore it to full glory this is the place for you.

If you believe strongly in the cause and think you might be able to contribute to the cause through posts on this page please drop us a line. Dedicated and passionate moderators would be welcome here and on our “parent” page of S-CARS.ORG. Thanks for joining and drive safely!