Tom Heitzman posted an update in the group
UrS4 / UrS6 14 years, 5 months ago
Just joined world of Audi the 1st of the year. Bought ’98 A4 Avant V6 5MT w/ 141K mi. Liked it so much I bought ’99 A6 Avant w/ ’39 K mi for my wife both Santorin Blue. I’d been looking for a lo mileage Urs4/6 and just bought ’95 S6 w/ 51 K mi. last Thurs. Haven’t even gotten it home yet! Plan to to use A4 as “Winter Rat” and drive S6 from April Fools Day to Halloween!
Hi Tom, welcome!
Wow, where did you find such a low mileage car? They are few and far between these days. Is it stock or modified?